Jeremy: Champlain College. With breathtaking views of Lake Champlain and the Adirondack Mountains, Champlain College is a hidden gem nestled within Burlington, Vermont. While unconventional with its upside-down curriculum, Champlain is one of the most community-oriented schools in the country. Its three-dimensional learning program incorporates community learning with the unique "Life Experiences and Action Dimension." US News and World Report named Champlain on the "Top Up-and-Coming" schools in the nation. Champlain is both a progressive and spirited college. Don't believe us? Ask a student.
Leslie: Camp Champ is amazing. The people, the atmosphere, and the majors are all part of the amazingness. Even the sweatpants are comfy! Everyone is so friendly. The classes are challenging, not brutal. The food is edible, not disgusting. The professors are awesome, especially if they raise yaks or have a British accent.
Jeremy: In the few short weeks I've been here, Champlain College has given me much more than I could have asked for. I've got a wide array of friends from many different backgrounds, teachers who all have their own little quirks, and the coolest dorm I've ever seen. That's right. I live in a Victorian mansion. There is no such thing as a square building at Champlain. The architecture is almost as great as the academics, and, considering the fact that there's a veritable castle for a dorm just down the street, that's saying a lot.
Kelly: Transferring to Champlain was the best decision I ever made! I mean what's not to love? The beautiful location, the small, intimate classes, the knowledgeable, easy-to-reach professors, and the guarantee that there's always something fun going on around campus. For these reasons and countless more are why I chose Champlain. There's no other place like it!
Lindsey: Champlain. A little strange at times, but they take care of their own and give you the best college experience possible. They are ready and welcoming with open arms. Let Us Dare. Audeamus.
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