The Manifesto on the Manifesto

Greetings, comrade. The purpose of this Manifesto of Manifestos is to educate the working class about the importance - and dangers - of the mass media industry. Originally published before any of its contents made sense, the revived Manifesto now preaches to an audience that understands terms such as "television," "Internet," and "passive consumerism." Each section of the Work relates a tale, musing, or observation organized into numbered groups, each with a more-or-less self-descriptive title. These sections generally begin with a reference to a lost tome, generally thought to be Media & Culture: An Introduction to Mass Communication (Campbell, Martin, & Fabos, Boston, MA. Copyright 2011). So, read on, my citizens, and hear the stories of a society increasingly dependent on cheesy Communist references.

Friday, October 8, 2010

5.) The Manifesto on Things That Go Great Together

The iPad is Apple’s version of Apple’s version of the MP3 player. In other words, there are very few differences between the iPad and iPod touch. Yes, “touch” is lower-case, as Apple still refuses to follow English conventions (for example, “go great together”). Both the iPad and iPod touch have touch screens, Internet access, and more applications than there are whales in Wales. That’s right. Infinitely more. If, of course, you don't count the ocean, which is where whales typically live. If you count the ocean, then there is quite a plethora of whales in Wales. By which I mean the iPad and iPod touch are virtually identical. But there is one amazing difference that really sets the iPad apart from its semi-identical twin – the price.

The iPad is a wonderful tool. It is useful, handy, functional, and any other synonym for “it gets the job done.” Apple has really outdone themselves this time. They’ve shown the world that their followers are both money-loaded and gullible. Before I continue, I must say that I myself am an Apple fan. I write on a MacBook Pro, have an iPod, and use iTunes for most of my music and video purchases. However, that does not stop me from seeing the humor in a giant iPod touch.

In the iPad’s defense, I should probably point out some of the features. First, it has a beautiful screen that costs approximately a dollar per pixel. Viewing games, the Web, and e-mail has never been so rewarding. (The reward, by the way comes from all the manual labor you’ll be doing to pay off your bank loan.) The device has started a revolution – Apple has set the standards for the “I-want-it-but-don’t-want-to-pay-for-it” category of expensive and extraneous objects that cost 30 times the price of a GameStop GameCube. They’ve always been pioneers.

$700 really didn't seem like a fair price. So I looked online, and came across Stuart Hughes's golden iPad. It's 22 carat gold with 53 diamonds making up the Apple logo. $190,000. Now, there's a fair price.

If somebody were to come up to me and say, “Here, have an iPad,” I wouldn’t complain. I might wonder as to the credibility of some random guy walking up to me and shoving a box in my hands, but I still wouldn’t complain. At least, not until the police report. The point is, I would very much love to have an iPad. And I’m not alone. A recent study showed that 97% of Americans would accept an iPad from a stranger/would be willing to pay half price/would be more willing to pay a quarter price/just really want an iPad. Another study that I also just made up argued that, while the previous study has some credibility, 97 just so happens to also be the percentage of statistics that are fabricated. Therefore, argues this study (Yes, et al. 2010), 97% is 62% as likely as 49% of all statistics that are 73% made up. The latter study was widely discredited after the discovery that the researchers could neither formulate coherent data nor finish grammatically correct sentences. They were promptly taken out and shot.

The iPad: Proving beyond a doubt that Apple fanboys will buy anything. Manifesto, OUT.

Media has converged here.


  1. I usually find the iPad ridiculous. But then again, my dad's close-up vision is getting kind of bad, and his fingers are too thick for a smaller touch screen or tiny cell phone buttons. The iPad is perfect for people like him. I just can't see why anyone younger would want it.

  2. This is wonderful blogging, Jeremy.

    How would you compare the iPad to the Kindle e-book reader, I wonder?

    I am enjoying watching you trick out your blog, too, with all kinds of toys.

    Excellent work,

    Dr. W

  3. I don't see the iPad and Kindle as the same thing by any standard. Although there is the Kindle app for the iPad, the beauty of the Kindle is its stunning likeness to an actual book. The backlit screen of the iPad destroys what in my opinion is the key quality of the Kindle.
    I am glad you are enjoying my blog. I am enjoying writing it.

